No, and that’s the beauty of the Young Explorer Series. We recommend you begin with the topic you and your students believe to be most interesting right now. Download the first lesson of each [Young Explorer][1] title to explore them in more depth before choosing. Some parents find that teaching the more complicated An...
There is no harm if you are not able to complete all eight books. You can consider different plans when making your choices: **Allow your student to choose a topic according to an area of special interest. **Students love the power to make choices and take ownership. Their curiosity will keep them engaged, and they...
Although camels and llamas are considered ungulates (mammals having hooves), they do not have hooves like cattle, horses or goats. These animals have soft padded feet (with two toes) that adapt well to their terrain. The word "ungulate" comes from the Latin word _unguis_, which means "nail, claw, or hoof." However, ove...
Yes. If you need the course descriptions or content for transcripts, NCAA forms, or anything else, you can use the scope and sequence document on our [Curriculum Path web page][1]. If you need a course that is not included here, you can use the course description available on our website for each individual title. You...
We took great care when redesigning this title to ensure that the course keeps your student as its priority. To do that, we changed several things. First, it is only 14 modules (down from 16 in the older editions). Second, it is studied 4 days a week rather than 5. You can rest assured that we thought of everything, te...
Zoology 1 covers the classification system and binomial nomenclature, which are used throughout the three zoology texts. It also introduces terms such as_ extinct_ and _habitat. _The subsequent texts assume that the student knows these things. You can read [Lesson 1 of Zoology 1][1] to learn these concepts (except fo...
In _Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology, _Lesson 14 covers growth and development. In this lesson, a section discusses how we started from a single cell, which divided many times. These cells developed into a person, which grew inside the mother’s womb. This lesson explains the development of each pers...
While we have designed each level of Apologia elementary math to share some aspect of a design theme with a title from the Apologia’s science Young Explorer Series, each math and science course can be completed separately. None of the courses are dependent on the other. For example, Level 1 mathematics has an astronomy...
_Preschool Science: Exploring Creation Together_ was written with younger explorers in mind. This course can be done over multiple years before students begin a formal science curriculum such as Apologia’s Young Explorer Series. ...
We are moving to only one notebooking journal for Botany. The Botany Junior Notebooking Journal was exactly the same as the Botany Regular Notebooking Journal, except that it had primary handwriting lines for the younger students. If you have younger students, you may wish to add the handwriting guidelines, have them...