No, and that’s the beauty of the Young Explorer Series. We recommend you begin with the topic you and your students believe to be most interesting right now. Download the first lesson of each [Young Explorer][1] title to explore them in more depth before choosing. Some parents find that teaching the more complicated An...
Apologia’s elementary series, _[Exploring Creation with Mathematics][1],_ is for grades 1-6. Level 1 is for first grade; Level 2 is for the second grade; Level 3 is for third grade, etc. The full [Math Series Outline][2] for Levels 1-6 details what topics are covered in the curriculum. Levels 1-5 are available for pu...
There is no harm if you are not able to complete all eight books. You can consider different plans when making your choices: **Allow your student to choose a topic according to an area of special interest. **Students love the power to make choices and take ownership. Their curiosity will keep them engaged, and they...
The _Exploring Creation with Mathematics_ series utilizes a mastery approach with lots of review. The author, Kathryn Gomes, connects the topics using a built-in review with the skills practice sections. Hands-on projects introduce and reinforce concepts in a deeper way. The author moves through the material followin...
Author Jeannie Fulbright and technical editor and content contributor Damian Ludwiczak, who is an engineer at NASA, partnered together with Apologia to create the 2nd edition of Astronomy. Some changes made to the Astronomy course include: * Each of the 14 lessons have been updated with current scientific data * N...
You will need the [_Exploring Creation with Mathematics _Basic Set][1] for your child's level, which includes the spiral bound Student Text and Workbook and the Teaching Guide & Answer Key. You will also need to gather some common household items and purchase a few common math manipulative items to fully use this cou...
Apologia's updated 2nd edition of [_Exploring Creation with Zoology 1: Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day_,][1] has new content, a fresh design layout, revised lesson order, beautiful images and visuals, and new activities. Here is a review of the table of contents that shows the differences between the editions. [Vie...
The suggested daily schedule included with each course is based on four days a week, with the following number of weeks per level: **Levels 1 and 2: **28 weeks **Level 3:** 30 weeks **Levels 4, 5, and 6: **36 weeks We encourage you to adjust the daily schedule to the needs of your child and family. ...
Absolutely! In addition to promoting a foundational understanding of the scientific method, the primary goals in elementary science should be to foster a love of learning and to point the student to the Creator of all things. All the Young Explorer books are written and designed with this end in mind. ...
In _Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology, _Lesson 14 covers growth and development. In this lesson, a section discusses how we started from a single cell, which divided many times. These cells developed into a person, which grew inside the mother’s womb. This lesson explains the development of each pers...