The suggested daily schedule included with each course is based on four days a week, with the following number of weeks per level: **Levels 1 and 2: **28 weeks **Level 3:** 30 weeks **Levels 4, 5, and 6: **36 weeks We encourage you to adjust the daily schedule to the needs of your child and family. ...
_Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition_, 2nd edition, has a suggested schedule of three days per week of study for an entire school year. On average, it will take a student an hour of study each of those days. Some projects will require additional time, and students should plan these into their schedules. As wit...
There is a suggested schedule in the front of each Student Notebook and Notebooking Journal. With the Jr. High and High School courses, the basic layout of the course is to complete a module every 2 weeks. At this pace, the student will complete 4 modules each quarter. This will allow for one week of review if using...
Your student should spend approximately 2 weeks per module, studying 1 hour a day for 5 days a week. The daily schedule can be found in the Student Notebook. ...