No, you as the homeschool family are the legal, authorized educational institution. Apologia’s Live Classes serve as part of the selected curriculum for your family’s homeschool. ...
No, we are not a full-service school: * We do not have all classes needed for graduation. * We only assist homeschooling families with the classes we provide. ...
Parents should email [[email protected]][1] to request a payment plan according to the following parameters: * A payment plan cannot be initiated or paid through the Apologia website. * For families on a payment plan, a $35 non-refundable registration fee will be charged per class seat. Classes paid in ful...
**Loisann Fowler, Apologia Live Classes Instructor:** "There is an amazing awareness of God’s power of creation as we observe the various parts of living organisms. As you identify that the heart is made of tough and muscular material and how it is centrally located to the body versus the softer kidneys or the other or...
All parents must agree at registration that they understand the following refund policy: * **Refunds requested before August 1st:** Full refund ($35 registration fee for a payment plan is non-refundable.) * **August 1st to the day before classes begin:** Total paid minus 30% ($35 registration fee for a payment pl...
Each instructor has a rubric for grading lab reports as taught in each specific course. For example, in the Advanced Biology course with Mrs. Fowler, all of the experiments in the text are expected to be completed by the student at home. These are thoroughly discussed in class beforehand, so the student fully underst...
Yes. Textbooks and materials are separate costs for all classes and not a part of the live class enrollment costs. Many families have their own materials and/or pass textbooks down from one child to the next. ...
Classes typically run for 60 to 90 minutes, one day a week; math classes run for 45 minutes, twice each week. Classes meet for 15 or 16 sessions each semester (30 or 32 sessions yearly), depending on the class. Please see the class description for more information. Time is available during class for discussion and qu...
Most assignments, tests, quizzes, papers, and lab reports are graded by the teacher and posted on the student portal. Parental involvement, although minimal in most cases, is very important. Parents are still needed to check on completed assignments, assist with labs, and if necessary, observe quizzes and test-taking. ...
For science classes, you can view Apologia's [Course Sequence Chart][1] to see recommended grade levels. Please see the individual Live Class descriptions for recommended grades and prerequisites as they relate to math, history/government, art/literature, apologetics/Bible/worldview, and language classes. ...