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folder-icon Are the labs in Exploring Creation with Chemistry really college prep? folder-icon Chemistry Experiment 15.2 , Step 21, says the solution should be bluer, but the explanation on p. 546 says pink. Can you explain this? folder-icon Chemistry Sample Lab Report folder-icon Does it matter that my Lewis structures do not look exactly like the ones in the answer book? folder-icon Do non-bonding electrons need to be drawn as pairs in a Lewis structure? folder-icon Do you have additional help for the calorimetry problems? folder-icon Do you have any general help for significant figures? folder-icon Do you have a sample calculation for Experiment 9.2? folder-icon For Example 3.2, how do I do the math? folder-icon For Example 3.3, how do I do the math? folder-icon For Module 1, Test Question 17, why is the answer rounded to the tens place? folder-icon For Module 5, Review Question 8, how can two atoms have the same electronegativity? Doesn't electronegativity vary when moving in different directions on the periodic chart? folder-icon For On Your Own 5.10d, why can't I put the F’s across from each other and the Cl’s across from each other? Wouldn’t the bonds cancel each other out, then, and make the molecule non-polar covalent? folder-icon How can I find denatured ethanol for the alcohol burner? folder-icon How did Hess discover that the enthalpy of formation for elements in their elemental form is zero? folder-icon How did you arrive at the answer for Module 4, Test Question 14? folder-icon How did you get K2SO4 as a product for Module 9, Practice Problem 10? folder-icon How do I balance the equation in On Your Own 9.4c? folder-icon How do I convert from grams of sodium stearate to moles of sodium stearate in Experiment 7.1? folder-icon How do I determine the salt produced in acid/base reactions in Module 9? folder-icon How do I distinguish between ionic, polar covalent, and nonpolar covalent? folder-icon How do I figure out the significant figures in Module 12, Practice Problem 7? folder-icon How do I find powdered drain cleaner or lye for Experiments 2.1, 9.1, 10.3, and 13.1? folder-icon How do you know that the salt in On Your Own 13.1c is K2CO3? folder-icon How is Chemistry 3rd Edition different from Chemistry 2nd Edition? folder-icon Is the periodic table allowed to be used on the tests? folder-icon What can I use instead of red cabbage in the chemistry experiments? folder-icon What help do you have for the calorimetry problems? folder-icon What is an isotope? folder-icon What is sodium hypochlorite (in bleach), and what happens when it is mixed with ammonia? folder-icon What is the blue green stuff formed in Experiment 2.2? folder-icon What kind of dishwashing liquid should I use for Experiment 7.1? folder-icon When I try to determine polar or non-polar, my Lewis structures do not lead me to the same conclusions as in the book. Why, for example, is CO2 non polar? folder-icon Where are the MicroChem experiments? folder-icon Where are the sample calculations for Experiment 7.1? folder-icon Why can't ultraviolet rays be deflected off the oxygen molecules back into space? folder-icon Why did Chemistry Experiment 12.1 not work out the way it was supposed to? The temperature rose during melting, boiling, or both. folder-icon Why did the water and syrup layers mix in Experiment 6.4? folder-icon Why does the amount of CaCO3 change in On Your Own 15.10a? I thought changes in solids did not affect an equilibrium. folder-icon Why do gaseous solutes decrease in solubility with increasing temperature? folder-icon Why don't antifreeze makers use ionic solutes to make antifreeze? With the higher "i," ionic solutes would protect against freezing better than the polar solutes they use now. folder-icon Why is the answer rounded to 2 x 10^3 J/g°C in Module 12, Practice Problem 10?
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