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Home > Curriculum Support > What We Believe Series > Why should I teach a biblical worldview to my children?
Why should I teach a biblical worldview to my children?
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Your children are bombarded daily with competing messages. Every song, movie, book, TV show, blog, and game is full of ideas—ideas about God, people, truth, beauty, and right and wrong. Not all of these ideas are true. Many are deceptive and even destructive. A biblical worldview will help your children learn to discern the truth by distinguishing what God says in His Word from the lies and half-truths coming at them from books, music, TV, movies, the Internet, their peers, etc. The What We Believe series is designed to help kids navigate a world of conflicting messages and ideas and discern the truth by using God’s Word, the Bible, as a perfect lens through which to view the world around them. As your children come to understand what they believe as Christians and why they believe it, they can begin to build every part of their lives on an unshakable foundation of truth, the immovable Rock that is God and His Word.

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